Limit Access to Seaside Server to Local Host - Again

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Limit Access to Seaside Server to Local Host - Again

If you open the Seaside settings (Launcher>Seaside>Settings) the root page includes the 'Address' setting, that's where you want to put The associated help text mentions that as well.

"Runar Jordahl"<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Date: May 26, 2010 10:35:53 AM
> From: Runar Jordahl <[hidden email]>
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [vwnc] Limit Access to Seaside Server to Local Host - Again
> We are using VisualWorks 7.7 with Seaside to make printable reports
> from our desktop application. Users get reports opened in a local web
> browser and can print from there.
> The Seaside web server is started by the client program when users
> invoke the print command. We want to limit access to this web server,
> so that only requests originating from the same PC is served. Does
> anyone know how to do this?
> It was suggested to “(...) only listen on no other host will
> be able to reach that port but localhost.”
> Does anyone know how to do this?
> Runar
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