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Ricardo Nogueira
In implementing a Cache class, I created an interesting data structure:
(maybe it does already exist in another ST ...)

It is a Dictionary subclass with two instance vars: firstAssociation,
uses a new association class (double-linked Link with key and value).

The best of two worlds - hash access, fast #size, fast #at:put: and fast
#remove... with efficient #do (also ordered)
at the cost of two worlds (hash map + double link).

My only timing so far...

keys := Smalltalk keys asOrderedCollection.

Time millisecondsToRun: [keys copyWithoutDuplicates] 257

Time millisecondsToRun: [keys newCopyWithoutDuplicates] 28

* newCopyWithoutDuplicates uses LinkedDictionary, but #keyAndValuesDo: is
now a LinkedList #do:
* almost 90% discount!

The cache came out as a push_to_front LinkedDictionary.

Get high with smalltalk!

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Re: LinkedDictionary

Ricardo Nogueira
Well, its not all that good after all, the timing was correct but not fair
(I hadn't noticed a #copyWithoutDuplicates in SequenceableCollection...),

I did a few more comparisons, and its performance is similar to that of a
Set, actually a little better for small sets.

Have a good one.

"Ricardo Nogueira" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:9f2tlf$1ud72$[hidden email]...

> In implementing a Cache class, I created an interesting data structure:
> (maybe it does already exist in another ST ...)
> LinkedDictionary.
> It is a Dictionary subclass with two instance vars: firstAssociation,
> lastAssociation;
> uses a new association class (double-linked Link with key and value).
> The best of two worlds - hash access, fast #size, fast #at:put: and fast
> #remove... with efficient #do (also ordered)
> at the cost of two worlds (hash map + double link).
> My only timing so far...
> keys := Smalltalk keys asOrderedCollection.
> Time millisecondsToRun: [keys copyWithoutDuplicates] 257
> Time millisecondsToRun: [keys newCopyWithoutDuplicates] 28
> * newCopyWithoutDuplicates uses LinkedDictionary, but #keyAndValuesDo: is
> now a LinkedList #do:
> * almost 90% discount!
> The cache came out as a push_to_front LinkedDictionary.
> Get high with smalltalk!
> Ricardo