List background color refresh...

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List background color refresh...

Christopher J. Demers
I am using an enhanced list view with a colored background (cream).  There
are occasionally times when parts of the list background does not repaint,
and is left white.  Does anyone have any insight as to any tricks to try to
improve this.  It does not happen in a repeatable way.  It happens on both
Windows 2000, and Windows ME.


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Re: List background color refresh...

Bill Schwab

> I am using an enhanced list view with a colored background (cream).  There
> are occasionally times when parts of the list background does not repaint,
> and is left white.  Does anyone have any insight as to any tricks to try
> improve this.  It does not happen in a repeatable way.  It happens on both
> Windows 2000, and Windows ME.

It depends on whether the coloring is an MS or an OA effort.  Taking OA out
of it for a moment, I've noticed an increasing number of (failure to) redraw
anomolies in Windows - the explorer in particular - since switching most of
my machines to 2k.  For example, they pretty clearly draw selections at the
wrong time, or at least don't draw them everywhere they should, such that a
partially uncovered sleected item ends up being drawn partially "selected"
and partially "normal".  This is true before I so much as install Dolphin.

So, I suspect that the problem is in Windows itself.  However, you might get
lucky and have it be OA's fault, which means you can probably fix it.  Is
Dolphin handling the erase-background message correctly?  I forget exactly
which type of message it is (window, control notification, etc.), but it
seems a likely place to check.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: List background color refresh...

Steve Alan Waring
In reply to this post by Christopher J. Demers
Christopher J. Demers wrote:
> I am using an enhanced list view with a colored background (cream).
> There are occasionally times when parts of the list background does
> not repaint, and is left white.  Does anyone have any insight as to
> any tricks to try to improve this.  It does not happen in a
> repeatable way.  It happens on both Windows 2000, and Windows ME.
> Chris

Hi Chris,

I have been setting the background color of a couple of ListViews and Chris
Uppal's ListTreeView, and I have not seen any repaint problems. FWIW, I
recently posted a screenshot to:

Does the repaint problem being associated with column resizing or the
addition/removal of scroll-bars ring true to you? This may explain why I am
not seeing the problem as I dont allow the user to resize the columns, and
everytime an item is added or removed from the listModel, I send the view
the #autoResizeColumns message. This is the behavior I want, but it isnt a
general solution.

I am using W2k, with light testing on Win98 and XP.

It may be worth your time to dig around in:

I did see some code with special case handling for column-resizing.

Hope this helps,

Steve Waring
Email: [hidden email]