ListModel deprecated methods

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ListModel deprecated methods

Bill Schwab-2

My 5.0x image is a little bit of a kludge because I loaded the beta pl 2,
and then never fully patched it after that.  Appologies if that explains the

With that caveat, 5.0 has ListModel>>updateItem::ifAbsent: as deprecated,
pointing to #refresh:ifAbsent:.  My new 5.1 image does not include
#refresh:ifAbsent:.  Have I mangled things, did you change your mind about
the deprecated status, or did this result from a version control hickup?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: ListModel deprecated methods

Blair McGlashan
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b8olu1$cae0e$[hidden email]...
> Blair,
> My 5.0x image is a little bit of a kludge because I loaded the beta pl 2,
> and then never fully patched it after that.  Appologies if that explains
> following.
> With that caveat, 5.0 has ListModel>>updateItem::ifAbsent: as deprecated,
> pointing to #refresh:ifAbsent:.  My new 5.1 image does not include
> #refresh:ifAbsent:.  Have I mangled things, did you change your mind about
> the deprecated status, or did this result from a version control hickup?

This is explained by your having stayed with the beta patch. Following
feedback we decided to withdraw the change for #994 from PL2 on the basis
that deprecating methods in a patch level is an inappropriate change. We
could have reinstanted it in the 5.1 minor release, but it has been held
over to the 6.0 major release.

