When I select ListPresenter in the CHB and click on Class/Browse/Published
Events I get a message box, saying "ListPresenter does not publish any
events". But, I can certainly set up observers on a ListPresenter, e.g. in
listPresenter when: #lostFocus send: #onLostFocus to: self.
listPresenter when: #keyTyped: send: #onKeyTyped: to: self.
A similar thing happens with TextPresenter (and I presume all other
presenters): TextPresenter has only one published event (#valueChanged), but
it certainly works to install observers on TextPresenter for a number of
event symbols other than #valueChanged. I realize the contents of
#publishedEventsOfInstances are hand-coded, not system generated, which is
also why some events might be left out by mistake (e.g.,
What then, is the intended use (or raison d'etre) of published events?
It seems to be saying "Look here first for events that I definitely trigger,
then look at the view with which I'm 'closely coupled with' for events that
I may or may not really trigger".
-- Louis