ListView lastClickedColIndex

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ListView lastClickedColIndex

Ian Bartholomew-17
Slightly obscure this one ..

ListView maintains an instanceVariable, lastClickedColIndex, which remembers
the index of the last clicked (sorted) column.  If you have used
#removeColumn: to reduce the number of available columns then it is quite
possible to end up in a situation where the instVar refers to a column that
no longer exists.  This will result in a walkback in at least one, and
probably both, of the methods in which the instVar is referenced.


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Re: ListView lastClickedColIndex

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> Slightly obscure this one ..
> ListView maintains an instanceVariable, lastClickedColIndex, which
> the index of the last clicked (sorted) column.  If you have used
> #removeColumn: to reduce the number of available columns then it is quite
> possible to end up in a situation where the instVar refers to a column
> no longer exists.  This will result in a walkback in at least one, and
> probably both, of the methods in which the instVar is referenced.

Thanks Ian. Recorded and will be fixed for 5.02.

