Hi there,
I need to present some thumbnails of N images in some presenter. Anybody knows wich is the best way to do this ? Right now I see 2 ways: A) using the listview in a thumbnail mode wich I think is not supported (maybe there is a goodie I don't know arround there?) B) using some *hand made* ThumbnailPresenters (wich has a inset margin an image presenter and static text below) over a ThumbnailsPresenter wich has a flow layout and can dinamically add or remove it's ThumbnailPresenters (perhaps loosing the list's selection capabilities). Any thought? Sebastian |
Sebastián wrote:
> A) using the listview in a thumbnail mode wich I think is not > supported (maybe there is a goodie I don't know arround there?) I think "thumbnail mode" is just one of the forms which displays the icon associated with each list element (a ListView in #largeIcons or #tileIcons mode). You can probably use the custom draw stuff to paint your own images. I have never tried that myself. You might find the implementation of John Aspinal's EditableListView a helpful guide, since it draws its own images in some configurations. Alternatively, I would be very tempted to create a custom view which could display thumbnails. But then that's because I'm working with custom graphic views a lot just now, and have all (or most of) the necessary framework already written -- I'm not sure it would be such a good idea otherwise. -- chris |
In reply to this post by Sebastián Sastre
> I need to present some thumbnails of N images in some presenter. > Anybody knows wich is the best way to do this ? Or here's a start to a way of doing it by setting the "image lists" explicitly. It doesn't work perfectly -- the selected thumbnail is not painted, but someone may be able to suggest a fix for that. -- chris "find some files to show thumbs of (doesn't have to be files of course)" files := OrderedCollection new. File for: '*.jpg' in: '<somewhere>' do: [:each | files add: each path]. files := (files first: 30) asArray. "we use GDI+ to generate the thumbnails, that is't a requirement, it's just easy for the example" thumbs := files collect: [:each || image thumb | image := GdiplusImage fromFile: each. thumb := image thumbnailScaledBy: 1/10. image free. thumb]. "create a WinImageList to hold the thumbnails" extent := 0@0. thumbs do: [:each | extent := extent max: each extent]. wil := WinImageList newExtent: extent initialSize: thumbs size masked: false. "add a bitmap to the WinImageList for each thumbnail" thumbs do: [:thumb || bitmap canvas | bitmap := DIBSection width: extent x height: extent y. canvas := bitmap canvas. thumb drawOn: canvas at: (extent - thumb extent / 2) rounded. canvas free. wil addBitmap: bitmap. bitmap free. thumb free]. thumbs := nil. "set up a ListView in largeIcons mode, arrange for the text and image blocks to point to our files and images" lp := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view' on: (ListModel on: (1 to: files size)). lv := lp view. lv viewMode: #largeIcons. lv getTextBlock: [:i | files at: i]. lv getImageBlock: [:i | i]. "answer the 0-based image index in wil" "now use private method to tell Windows to use our WinImageList for the icons" lv lvmSetImageList: wil type: 0 "LVSIL_NORMAL". |
I wrote:
> Or here's a start to a way of doing it by setting the "image lists" > explicitly. It doesn't work perfectly -- the selected thumbnail is > not painted, but someone may be able to suggest a fix for that. Following myself up, I remembered that there's an abstraction already in place for this -- ImageManagers. It's a little fiddly since ImageManagers "want" to supply images given a target extent, rather than being told what extent to use. Nevertheless it's no worse than the previous version and uses only public methods. Incidentally, setting a maskColour (as below) also seems to fix the problem with displaying the current selection. -- chris "find some files to show thumbs of (doesn't have to be files of course)" files := OrderedCollection new. File for: '*.jpg' in: '<somewhere>' do: [:each | files add: each path]. files := files asArray. "we use GDI+ to generate the thumbnails, that is't a requirement, it's just easy for the example" thumbs := files collect: [:each || image thumb | image := GdiplusImage fromFile: each. thumb := image thumbnailScaledBy: 1/10. image free. thumb]. "choose a fixed extent for the thumbnails" extent := 0@0. thumbs do: [:each | extent := extent max: each extent]. "convert to bitmaps" thumbs := thumbs collect: [:each || bitmap canvas | bitmap := DIBSection width: extent x height: extent y. canvas := bitmap canvas. "canvas fillRectangle: (0@0 extent: extent) brush: Color default brush. -- only needed with D5" each drawOn: canvas at: (extent - each extent / 2) rounded. canvas free. bitmap]. "add the lot to an ImageManager" im := ImageManager new. im maskcolor: Color default. thumbs do: [:each | im addImage: each]. "only safe if we don't change the view mode of the list view since that would ask for images with a different extent: thumbs do: [:each | each free]." thumbs := nil. "set up a ListView in largeIcons mode, arrange for the text and image blocks to point to our files and images, and tell it to use our new image manager" lp := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view' on: (ListModel on: (1 to: files size)). (lp view) getTextBlock: [:i | files at: i]; getImageBlock: [:i | i]; "answers the 0-based image indexesl" viewMode: #largeIcons; "must do this before setting #largeIconExtent" largeIconExtent: extent; "should do this before setting #imageManager" imageManager: im; backcolor: Color red faded. "just to demonstrate that the transparency has worked" "just for the hell of it..." openIt := [ShellLibrary default shellOpen: (files at: lp selection) directory: '']. lp when: #actionPerformed send: #value to: openIt. |
Dear Chris,
frankly I can't imagine a better answer to my post. Your code was clear and simple. Totally awsome ! When I finish some stuff arround here I think I'll make a presenter which will use the list view like you do and then I'll post it in response. Thank you for this, Sebastian Chris Uppal escreveu: > I wrote: > > > Or here's a start to a way of doing it by setting the "image lists" > > explicitly. It doesn't work perfectly -- the selected thumbnail is > > not painted, but someone may be able to suggest a fix for that. > > Following myself up, I remembered that there's an abstraction already > in place > for this -- ImageManagers. It's a little fiddly since ImageManagers > "want" to > supply images given a target extent, rather than being told what extent > to use. > Nevertheless it's no worse than the previous version and uses only > public > methods. > > Incidentally, setting a maskColour (as below) also seems to fix the > problem > with displaying the current selection. > > -- chris > > "find some files to show thumbs of (doesn't have to be files of course)" > files := OrderedCollection new. > File for: '*.jpg' in: '<somewhere>' do: [:each | files add: each path]. > files := files asArray. > > "we use GDI+ to generate the thumbnails, that is't a requirement, it's > just easy for the example" > thumbs := files collect: > [:each || image thumb | > image := GdiplusImage fromFile: each. > thumb := image thumbnailScaledBy: 1/10. > image free. > thumb]. > > "choose a fixed extent for the thumbnails" > extent := 0@0. > thumbs do: [:each | extent := extent max: each extent]. > > "convert to bitmaps" > thumbs := thumbs collect: > [:each || bitmap canvas | > bitmap := DIBSection width: extent x height: extent y. > canvas := bitmap canvas. > "canvas fillRectangle: (0@0 extent: extent) brush: Color default > brush. -- only needed with D5" > each drawOn: canvas at: (extent - each extent / 2) rounded. > canvas free. > bitmap]. > > "add the lot to an ImageManager" > im := ImageManager new. > im maskcolor: Color default. > thumbs do: [:each | im addImage: each]. > "only safe if we don't change the view mode of the list view since that > would ask for images with a different extent: > thumbs do: [:each | each free]." > thumbs := nil. > > "set up a ListView in largeIcons mode, arrange for the text and image > blocks > to point to our files and images, and tell it to use our new image > manager" > lp := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view' on: (ListModel on: (1 > to: files size)). > (lp view) > getTextBlock: [:i | files at: i]; > getImageBlock: [:i | i]; "answers the 0-based image > indexesl" > viewMode: #largeIcons; "must do this before setting > #largeIconExtent" > largeIconExtent: extent; "should do this before setting > #imageManager" > imageManager: im; > backcolor: Color red faded. "just to demonstrate that the > transparency has worked" > > "just for the hell of it..." > openIt := [ShellLibrary default shellOpen: (files at: lp selection) > directory: '']. > lp when: #actionPerformed send: #value to: openIt. |
Hi, below the line it is the package I've made:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | package | package := Package name: 'Thumbnails'. package paxVersion: 1; basicComment: '2006.08.09 This package provides the ThumbnailsPresenter wich can show thumbnails of the images provided to it. To do: - Automatic rearrange when resized. - Customizable image border of thumbnails (using #borderPen in ThumbnailsView class) - Instant draw of thumbnails with a default image. - Update each thumbnail replacing the default image with the (backgroud?) calculated thumbnail.'. package classNames add: #ThumbnailModel; add: #ThumbnailsPresenter; add: #ThumbnailsView; yourself. package methodNames add: #GdiplusBitmapFromBitmapInitializer -> #absoluteFilename; add: #GdiplusImage -> #thumbnailWithWidth:; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\IDE\Base\Development System'; add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Views\Common Controls\Dolphin Common Controls'; add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Models\List\Dolphin List Models'; add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Presenters\List\Dolphin List Presenter'; add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; add: '..\..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Gdiplus\Gdiplus'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! Model subclass: #ThumbnailModel instanceVariableNames: 'filename thumbnail description height' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ListPresenter subclass: #ThumbnailsPresenter instanceVariableNames: 'thumbnails filenames thumbnailHeight' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ListView subclass: #ThumbnailsView instanceVariableNames: 'borderPen' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !GdiplusBitmapFromBitmapInitializer methodsFor! absoluteFilename ^ bitmap fileLocator localFileSpecFor: bitmap identifier! ! !GdiplusBitmapFromBitmapInitializer categoriesFor: #absoluteFilename!enquiries!public! ! !GdiplusImage methodsFor! thumbnailWithWidth: anInteger "Answer an Image based on the receiver that is sized proportionally, with width equal to anInteger." ^self thumbnailWithExtent: anInteger @ (self height / self width * anInteger) rounded ! ! !GdiplusImage categoriesFor: #thumbnailWithWidth:!operations!public!thumbnails! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! ThumbnailModel guid: (GUID fromString: '{E876A48F-6DC4-4616-A7FF-93B5BE655C46}')! ThumbnailModel comment: ''! !ThumbnailModel categoriesForClass!MVP-Models! ! !ThumbnailModel methodsFor! description description isNil ifTrue: [self initializeDescription]. ^description! description: anObject description := anObject! displayOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self description! extent ^ self height @ self height! filename ^filename! filename: anObject filename := anObject! height ^height! height: anObject height := anObject! initializeDescription description := filename! initializeThumbnail thumbnail := self makeThumbnail ! isPortrait ^ (GdiplusBitmap fromFile: filename) isPortrait! makeLandscapeThumbnailFrom: aFilename | image thumb bitmap canvas | image := GdiplusBitmap fromFile: aFilename. thumb := image thumbnailWithWidth: height. image free. bitmap := DIBSection width: self extent x height: self extent y. canvas := bitmap canvas. thumb drawOn: canvas at: (self extent - thumb extent) rounded. canvas free. ^ bitmap! makePortraitThumbnailFrom: aFilename | image thumb bitmap canvas | image := GdiplusBitmap fromFile: aFilename. thumb := image thumbnailWithHeight: height. image free. bitmap := DIBSection width: self extent x height: self extent y. canvas := bitmap canvas. thumb drawOn: canvas at: (self extent - thumb extent) rounded. canvas free. ^ bitmap! makeThumbnail ^ self isPortrait ifTrue:[ self makePortraitThumbnailFrom: filename ] ifFalse:[ self makeLandscapeThumbnailFrom: filename ]! thumbnail thumbnail isNil ifTrue:[self initializeThumbnail]. ^thumbnail! thumbnail: anObject thumbnail := anObject! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #description!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #description:!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #displayOn:!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #extent!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #filename!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #filename:!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #height!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #height:!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #initializeDescription!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #initializeThumbnail!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #isPortrait!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #makeLandscapeThumbnailFrom:!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #makePortraitThumbnailFrom:!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #makeThumbnail!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #thumbnail!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailModel categoriesFor: #thumbnail:!accessing!public! ! ThumbnailsPresenter guid: (GUID fromString: '{062B71A8-1CC2-4A57-A889-4C2E26CB57A7}')! ThumbnailsPresenter comment: 'This class can manage a list of graphic resources (images) based on a collection of bitmaps (in it''s listModel) and show the thumbnails of them. '! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesForClass!MVP-Presenters! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter methodsFor! defaultThumbnailHeight ^ 100! filenames ^filenames! filenames: someFilenames filenames := someFilenames. self refreshThumbnails.! getTextBlock: aBlock ^ self view getTextBlock: aBlock! initializeThumbnailHeight thumbnailHeight := self defaultThumbnailHeight! makeThumbnailsModel ^ ListModel on: (filenames collect:[:filename| ThumbnailModel new filename: filename; height: self thumbnailHeight; yourself])! refreshThumbnails | imageManager | thumbnails := self makeThumbnailsModel. self model: (ListModel on: (1 to: filenames size)). imageManager := ImageManager new maskcolor: Color default; yourself. thumbnails do:[:e| imageManager addImage: e thumbnail]. self view getImageBlock: [:i | i]; "answers the 0-based image indexesl" viewMode: #largeIcons; largeIconExtent: self thumbnailExtent; "should do this before setting #imageManager" imageManager: imageManager; getTextBlock:[:i| filenames at:i]; yourself. ! thumbnailExtent ^ self thumbnailHeight @ self thumbnailHeight ! thumbnailHeight thumbnailHeight isNil ifTrue:[self initializeThumbnailHeight]. ^thumbnailHeight! thumbnailHeight: anObject thumbnailHeight := anObject! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #defaultThumbnailHeight!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #filenames!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #filenames:!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #getTextBlock:!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #initializeThumbnailHeight!accessing!private! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #makeThumbnailsModel!private! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #refreshThumbnails!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #thumbnailExtent!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #thumbnailHeight!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter categoriesFor: #thumbnailHeight:!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter class methodsFor! resource_Default_view "Answer the literal data from which the 'Default view' resource can be reconstituted. DO NOT EDIT OR RECATEGORIZE THIS METHOD. If you wish to modify this resource evaluate: ViewComposer openOn: (ResourceIdentifier class: self selector: #resource_Default_view) " ^#(#'!!STL' 3 788558 10 ##(Smalltalk.STBViewProxy) 8 ##(Smalltalk.ListView) 98 30 0 0 98 2 8 1409355852 1025 416 590662 2 ##(Smalltalk.ListModel) 202 208 98 0 0 1114638 ##(Smalltalk.STBSingletonProxy) 8 ##(Smalltalk.SearchPolicy) 8 #identity 524550 ##(Smalltalk.ColorRef) 8 4278190080 0 5 0 0 0 416 0 8 4294902589 459270 ##(Smalltalk.Message) 8 #displayString 98 0 8 ##(Smalltalk.IconicListAbstract) 570 8 ##(Smalltalk.IconImageManager) 8 #current 0 0 0 328198 ##(Smalltalk.Point) 65 65 0 0 202 208 98 1 920646 5 ##(Smalltalk.ListViewColumn) 8 'Column 1' 201 8 #left 690 720 736 8 ##(Smalltalk.SortedCollection) 0 0 416 0 1 0 0 8 #largeIcons 544 0 131169 0 0 983302 ##(Smalltalk.MessageSequence) 202 208 98 2 721670 ##(Smalltalk.MessageSend) 8 #createAt:extent: 98 2 818 2559 21 818 491 311 416 1058 8 #text: 98 1 8 'Column 1' 416 983302 ##(Smalltalk.WINDOWPLACEMENT) 8 #[44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 4 0 0 10 0 0 0 244 5 0 0 165 0 0 0] 98 0 818 193 193 0 27 )! ! !ThumbnailsPresenter class categoriesFor: #resource_Default_view!public!resources-views! ! ThumbnailsView guid: (GUID fromString: '{F9112CE1-4826-4B2B-BF54-F51E5A88226F}')! ThumbnailsView comment: ''! !ThumbnailsView categoriesForClass!MVP-Views! ! !ThumbnailsView methodsFor! borderPen ^borderPen! borderPen: anObject borderPen := anObject! onPositionChanged: aPositionEvent "Private - Handle a window position change event (move or resize)." aPositionEvent isResize ifTrue: [self invalidate]. ^super onPositionChanged: aPositionEvent! ! !ThumbnailsView categoriesFor: #borderPen!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailsView categoriesFor: #borderPen:!accessing!public! ! !ThumbnailsView categoriesFor: #onPositionChanged:!event handling!private! ! !ThumbnailsView class methodsFor! publishedAspectsOfInstances "Answer a <LookupTable> of the <Aspect>s published by instances of the receiver." | answer | answer := super publishedAspectsOfInstances. #(#borderPen) do: [:each | answer add: (Aspect name: each)]. #(#canEditLabels #columnOrder #columnsList #hasColumnImages #hasCheckBoxes ) do:[:each| answer removeKey: each ]. ^answer! ! !ThumbnailsView class categoriesFor: #publishedAspectsOfInstances!constants!development!public! ! "Binary Globals"! |
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