I have a ListView where I want to change a column text heading dynamically.
The problem I run into is that when I change the header text, the column
width changes, e.g.,
"Evaluate next line"
shell := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view'.
"Make the first column a lot wider, then evaluate next line"
shell view primaryColumn text: 'Header with info'.
I traced the problem to LVCOLUMN class>>fromColumn:in: which uses
#basicWidth:, so I changed that to #width, but that had some bad side
effects with the rest of the system. I found a workaround is to set the
column width explicitly before setting the column text, e.g.,
"Evaluate next line"
shell := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view'.
"Make the first column a lot wider, then evaluate next lines"
shell view primaryColumn
width: shell view primaryColumn width;
text: 'Header with info'.
-- Louis