Live Programming in Smalltalk development environments survey

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Live Programming in Smalltalk development environments survey

Louis LaBrunda
Hi  All,

There is a survey about how Smalltalk software developers use live programming features in practice.  I took the survey and found it interesting.  I have been asked by the author, Juraj Kubelka, to post about it here.  The original Squeak Smalltalk news group post is below.  I have modified the embedded links in an effort to get them to work here.


Dear Smalltalker,

Live programming frees developers from the "edit-compile-run" loop and allows people to interact with running programs very easily. Live programming is getting popular, but many of its features have been present in Smalltalk for a very long time.

We want to understand how Smalltalk software developers use live programming features in practice. We would be grateful if you could participate in our 10-minute survey on this subject:

As a thank you for your participation, you will be able to participate in a raffle to win a Smalltalk book of your choice. If you wish to participate, you will need to share your email with us, so that we can contact you.  We will appreciate if you share the survey

By participating in the survey you will:
- help me to successfully finish my PhD, 
- push Smalltalk awareness in Live Programming research community, 
- bring new integrated electronic communication ideas, and
- bring new ideas to improve our Smalltalk Live Programming experience :-)
We will close the survey on Wednesday, August 9, 2017 AoE.

Thank you and we really hope you enjoy participating in our survey!
Juraj Kubelka, PhD Student at the University of Chile
Romain Robbes, Professor at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 
Alexandre Bergel, Professor at the University of Chile

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Re: Live Programming in Smalltalk development environments survey

John O'Keefe-4
Dear Smalltalkers,

Thank you again for participating in our survey. We are currently analyzing the results.

Here, we would like to announce winners of the survey raffle… and winners are:
- Craig Latta, and
- Gabriel Omar Cotelli

Congratulations! :-)

The raffle draw was recorded and is available at: 

We will contact the winners in a private email in order to deliver the books to them.

Juraj Kubelka, Romain Robbes, and Alexandre Bergel

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