Both are indeed groups within the main Zn configuration.
Can't you just depend on the group ?
But I am no Metacello expert either.
> On 16 Feb 2016, at 20:52, Hernán Morales Durand <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to load SSO and WebSocket packages from ZincHTTPComponents in my Metacello Configurations. Unfortunately there is no ConfigurationOfSSO or ConfigurationOfWebSocket I am aware of.
> I am loading currently in a #postLoad method this way:
> #('SSO' 'WebSocket') do: [ :each |
> #ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents asClass project bleedingEdge load: each ].
> But a load exception is thrown because I have subclassed some classes from such packages.
> Can anyone help me by commenting or sending a code snippet of what could be the right solution for such situation?
> Thanks
> Hernán