Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6

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Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6


When I install DrGeo from its configuration file in Pharo6, I got the
following VM error.

I guess the addStartUpList protocol is obsolete.

One option is to modify Dr. Geo code in Pharo3 to remove startup
activation, save in the repo, then load newer code in Pharo6, and get it

Any suggestion, to do directly from Pharo6 to prevent unnecessary code
changes in DrGeo repo?



Dr. Geo

DrGeoLoadingInPharo6.png (70K) Download Attachment
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Re: Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6

you can add that protocol by yourself as an extension.
you can create a package DrGeo-Pharo6

and add the method, something like:

addToStartUpList: aClass after: ignoredClass
        SessionManager default
                registerSystemClassNamed: aClass name
                atPriority: 60

then, you load this package as pre-req, in your baseline/configuration.


ps: all of this, if you want to have compatibility from P3 to P6, of course :)

> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:10, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I install DrGeo from its configuration file in Pharo6, I got the
> following VM error.
> I guess the addStartUpList protocol is obsolete.
> One option is to modify Dr. Geo code in Pharo3 to remove startup
> activation, save in the repo, then load newer code in Pharo6, and get it
> fixed.
> Any suggestion, to do directly from Pharo6 to prevent unnecessary code
> changes in DrGeo repo?
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu
> <DrGeoLoadingInPharo6.png>

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Re: Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Here is how you can maintain compatibility:

self environment
  at: #SessionManager
  ifPresent: [ :manager | manager default registerNetworkClassNamed: self name ]
  ifAbsent: [ Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self; addToShutDownList: self ]

I use it for Zinc.

> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:21, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
> you can add that protocol by yourself as an extension.
> you can create a package DrGeo-Pharo6
> and add the method, something like:
> addToStartUpList: aClass after: ignoredClass
> SessionManager default
> registerSystemClassNamed: aClass name
> atPriority: 60
> then, you load this package as pre-req, in your baseline/configuration.
> Esteban
> ps: all of this, if you want to have compatibility from P3 to P6, of course :)
>> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:10, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I install DrGeo from its configuration file in Pharo6, I got the
>> following VM error.
>> I guess the addStartUpList protocol is obsolete.
>> One option is to modify Dr. Geo code in Pharo3 to remove startup
>> activation, save in the repo, then load newer code in Pharo6, and get it
>> fixed.
>> Any suggestion, to do directly from Pharo6 to prevent unnecessary code
>> changes in DrGeo repo?
>> Thanks
>> Hilaire
>> --
>> Dr. Geo
>> http://drgeo.eu
>> <DrGeoLoadingInPharo6.png>

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Re: Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6


> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:24, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Here is how you can maintain compatibility:
> self environment
>  at: #SessionManager
>  ifPresent: [ :manager | manager default registerNetworkClassNamed: self name ]
>  ifAbsent: [ Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self; addToShutDownList: self ]
> I use it for Zinc.

ah yes… that’s better :)


>> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:21, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> you can add that protocol by yourself as an extension.
>> you can create a package DrGeo-Pharo6
>> and add the method, something like:
>> addToStartUpList: aClass after: ignoredClass
>> SessionManager default
>> registerSystemClassNamed: aClass name
>> atPriority: 60
>> then, you load this package as pre-req, in your baseline/configuration.
>> Esteban
>> ps: all of this, if you want to have compatibility from P3 to P6, of course :)
>>> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:10, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I install DrGeo from its configuration file in Pharo6, I got the
>>> following VM error.
>>> I guess the addStartUpList protocol is obsolete.
>>> One option is to modify Dr. Geo code in Pharo3 to remove startup
>>> activation, save in the repo, then load newer code in Pharo6, and get it
>>> fixed.
>>> Any suggestion, to do directly from Pharo6 to prevent unnecessary code
>>> changes in DrGeo repo?
>>> Thanks
>>> Hilaire
>>> --
>>> Dr. Geo
>>> http://drgeo.eu
>>> <DrGeoLoadingInPharo6.png>

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Re: Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6

In reply to this post by EstebanLM
Hi Esteban,

Yes, good idea as this protocol is not present in Pharo6, it will ease
loading Dr. Geo code.

However it looks like there are faulty code in Pharo6 as there are
exactly *four* senders to this message (see screenshot), and exactly
*zero* in DrGeo code, and *one* in the gettext package which should be
fixed too.

Does it deserve a bug ticket or do I miss something?


Le 16/06/2017 à 09:21, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
> you can add that protocol by yourself as an extension.
> you can create a package DrGeo-Pharo6
> and add the method, something like:
> addToStartUpList: aClass after: ignoredClass
> SessionManager default
> registerSystemClassNamed: aClass name
> atPriority: 60

Dr. Geo

Senders of addToStartUpList:after: [4].gif (39K) Download Attachment
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Re: Loading Dr. Geo in Pharo6

Hi Hilaire,

> On 16 Jun 2017, at 09:46, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Esteban,
> Yes, good idea as this protocol is not present in Pharo6, it will ease
> loading Dr. Geo code.
> However it looks like there are faulty code in Pharo6 as there are
> exactly *four* senders to this message (see screenshot), and exactly
> *zero* in DrGeo code, and *one* in the gettext package which should be
> fixed too.
> Does it deserve a bug ticket or do I miss something?

No, we cannot do anything with that… this is FFI-Kernel and Alien packages which needs to be compatible between dialects so those methods are needed (in squeak and newspeak).
If you see, all those methods have the SessionManager check :)


> Hilaire
> Le 16/06/2017 à 09:21, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
>> you can add that protocol by yourself as an extension.
>> you can create a package DrGeo-Pharo6
>> and add the method, something like:
>> addToStartUpList: aClass after: ignoredClass
>> SessionManager default
>> registerSystemClassNamed: aClass name
>> atPriority: 60
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu
> <Senders of addToStartUpList:after: [4].gif>