I thougth about your idea.
Inline editing is more complex than it looks like because of Aida
structure (components, webstyle, etc), so I would leave it for later.
For symbols, I don't know if it's a good idea, because it's not obvious
at all, and it will be very tricky and intrusive! I would instead use
something like:
self translate: #welcome
and then we keep the symbol, and at least you immediately know what's
going on (I'm thinking about newcommers).
For storing, I would do as we do for css in WebStyle, ie use a
convention. For example in a WebApp class, all methods beginning with
translation are translating methods, then follows the language, and then
the view name. For example:
#translateFrMain for the translation in french of view main
#translateDeEdit for the translation in deutch of view edit
and each translation method would return an collexion, like this:
^(#welcome 'Bienvenue'
#login 'Connexion'
#bye 'A bientot'
#logout 'DĂ©connexion')
This way translations are easy to write and maintain.
What do you think?
Nicolas Petton
http://nico.bioskop.fr ___
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