Logging Framework

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Logging Framework

Brad Selfridge
I noticed that Instantiations was looking for a logging framework. I would like to submit one that has work well for me when I actually had a Smalltalk job. The problem is that I don't know how to submit it. I don't have VASmalltalk 8.04 loaded yet and would like to get this to the group before I spend hours trying to get 8.04 manager installed in my Linux machine.

Please advise.

Brad Selfridge

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Brad Selfridge
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Aw: Logging Framework

Hi Brad,

You may have heard about it already:
Instantiations have implemented their own logging framework based on the design of log4j. It's called log4s and can be downloaded from VASTGoodies.

But nevertheless I think there's space for alternatives: maybe your framework has some strengths that lack in log4s, like being lightweight or higher performance or an extremely easy to use API. So having it in VASTGoodies sure is a good thing. I am afraid, however, that there is not really an alternative to installing VAST on a machine. To my knowledge, the only way of uploading code to VASTGoodies is using the vastgoodies tools from within the environment.

As to how long it takes to install vast on a linux machine: What does take you several hours? You don't even have to install a full library manager environment, because you can always access the library directly from  an image in single-user mode. To use this, you can extract the manager.dat from the installation zip file and put it somewhere on your machine.

You may also be interested in a little how-to on installing the library manager on a Linux machine without using the grapphical installation tool: http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com/2010/01/04/a-minimal-va-smalltalk-library-server-on-opensuse-11-2/



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Re: Aw: Logging Framework

Brad Selfridge
I have looked over the log4s documentation the last couple of days.  The log4s is probably more robust in features (options) than mine, but is heavier, (many more classes), and more than likely much slower.

The "OGLogger"  is very simple to setup and use. It is very light-weight - 5 new classes and three class extensions.  I have knowledge of whether is will run faster than log4s, but I suspect that it will simply because it is lighter. Currently, it only supports file logging, as that was all I needed. But, the framework is structured to allow other loggers to be built and used. Multiple loggers can be used in the same runtime by simply overriding half a dozen class methods. 

While working at Sprint, I created mine to work in a high volume server environment. Logging can be very resource intense and can often degrade the runtime if not controlled. So, I tried to create a logger that wasn't overpowering.  

As to the Linux problem. I've been out of the programming business for 3-4 years, (running my own business), and am wanting to get back into it. I've only used Unix/Linux for 3-4 years and so it will take me awhile to remember how to install a new manager, get the permissions set, and all that crap. It's me that's the problem.  By the way, thanks for the link. I'll check it out when I get to that point.


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Brad Selfridge
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Re: Aw: Logging Framework

HI Brad,

I'm the one who did the log4s that is on Vast goodies. Log4j was designed with speed in mind, and log4s implements only the basics of log4j, so I don't think speed will be a problem.

Modern cpus are so fast that you could write almost everything in interpreted BASIC and few would know the difference.

Anyway, you are welcome to email us your code at [hidden email], or you can attach it to a post here on the forum.

Donald [|]

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Re: Aw: Logging Framework

Brad Selfridge

Hope you don't think that I'm bashing your work. I don't know much of anything about it other than the documentation that I briefly reviewed. 

When I was talking about speed, I wasn't particularly concerned with machine/cpu but more about VM speed.  I have seen some logging, when turned up, slow the VM so much that it was impacting its ability to service customer requests, (primarily on servers - which is where I've spent most of my Smalltalk time). I tried to design my logger so that as few objects are created as possible, thereby and hopefully keeping the VM as responsive as possible.  Desktop/client apps probably would not suffer much if one logged the world.

I will upload the code once I get it loaded and tested in 8.03.  Base code has changed between 6.04 and 8.03 and some things no longer work once I migrated.

Would love for you to look at my implementation and critique it.


Brad Selfridge

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Brad Selfridge