Looking for smart and good programmers? Attend the premium conference on Smalltalk!

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Looking for smart and good programmers? Attend the premium conference on Smalltalk!

stephane ducasse-2
We are all looking for smart and good people...
Now the best to get in touch with them is to go where they go and have a nice beer with them.

Did you think about coming to ESUG the key world conference on Smalltalk to meet talented people?
Did you think about sponsoring ESUG so that programmers get aware of your business?
Regularly we pass job interview at ESUG. Why not you?

Each year ESUG offers the possibility to young guys to participate to ESUG as student volunteers you
can also come and talk to them.

Some data:
        Amsterdam 170 participants
        Brest 154

The dead-line for registration at early bird fees is approaching (one month to go).
So, hurry up and register on our new seaside-based server.
This server comes with new features.
You can now do a group registration and make a single payment.
Also, we have reduction tickets (typically for Golden and Platinum sponsors).

The ESUG 2010 conference program is about to be ready, and it is as promising as was for the previous editions of the conference.
Checkout the preliminary schedule is already on the web,

See you in Barcelona,

ESUG board.

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