Hi. There is a loop when trying to debug #expectedFailures. To reproduce, just put a "self halt" at the beggining of a #expectedFailures method and then run of the tests of that class.
The problem is that when you put the self halt, in an #expectedFailures, it brings a debugger, of course. But the debuggers needs to send the printOn to all the stuff in the context.
TestResult implements printOn: in this way:
printOn: aStream
nextPutAll: self runCount printString;
nextPutAll: ' run, ';
nextPutAll: self expectedPassCount printString;
nextPutAll: ' passes, ';
nextPutAll: self expectedDefectCount printString;
nextPutAll:' expected failures, ';
nextPutAll: self unexpectedFailureCount printString;
nextPutAll: ' failures, ';
nextPutAll: self unexpectedErrorCount printString;
nextPutAll:' errors, ';
nextPutAll: self unexpectedPassCount printString;
nextPutAll:' unexpected passes'.
which...as you can see sends the message #expectedPassCount which at the ends...sends #expectedFailure.....sooo....loop :)
I am still thinking which could be the better solution. I will try to come up with it later.
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