Lorentz Attractor visualized with ROASSAL

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Lorentz Attractor visualized with ROASSAL

Hi all,

If you do this in a MOOSE 5.0 image + SciSmalltalk :

| solver stepper system dt sigma r b state values diag|
sigma := 10.0.
r := 28.
b := 8.0/3.0.
dt := 0.01.
system := ExplicitSystem
block: [:x :t | | c |
c:= Array new: 3.
c at: 1 put: sigma * ((x at: 2) - (x at: 1)).
c at: 2 put: r * (x at: 1) - (x at: 2) - ((x at: 1) * (x at: 3)).
c at: 3 put: (b negated * (x at: 3) + ((x at: 1) * (x at: 2))).
stepper := RungeKuttaStepper onSystem: system.
solver := (ExplicitSolver new) stepper: stepper; system: system; dt: dt.
state := #(10.0 10.0 10.0).

values := (0.0 to: 100.0 by: dt) collect:[:t |
state := stepper doStep: state time: t stepSize: dt].

diag := GETDiagramBuilder new.
(diag scatterplot)
models: values;
x: [: v | [v at: 1] on: Exception do:[0.0]];
y: [: v | [v at: 2] on: Exception do: [0.0]];
dotSize: 1.
diag open


You will obtain the graph attached.

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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