Low-Cost Remote Programmer Wanted

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Low-Cost Remote Programmer Wanted

Kirk W. Fraser
Are there any Low-Cost Remote Dolphin Programmers available?  As an
individual I can't pay normal USA consultant rates. First I have started a
compiler for new language which needs to be completed. Afterward several
projects in advanced text processing, advanced graphics, and other symbol
processing in the new language.

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Re: Low-Cost Remote Programmer Wanted

Diaz Cortez-2

i'm a Dolphin smalltalk  programmer i worked  on it during 2 years.
i know visualWorks and Squeak too.
my English is not so  good , i can read english perfectly.
Please tell me about this job and the conditions.
 i'm interesting on it.
please asap.

  Marcelo Diaz Cortez

"Kirk W. Fraser" wrote:
> Are there any Low-Cost Remote Dolphin Programmers available?  As an
> individual I can't pay normal USA consultant rates. First I have started a
> compiler for new language which needs to be completed. Afterward several
> projects in advanced text processing, advanced graphics, and other symbol
> processing in the new language.