MCRepository can notify by email, did you know?

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MCRepository can notify by email, did you know?


I just discovered this feature and wanted to share it: 

When a version is saved, the file repositories check if a file named 'notify' exists in the repository directory [1]. If it exists, then it reads email addresses from that file and send emails notifying the new version [2]. 

We noticed with Camillo that this seems to be the only usage of SMTPClient in the image. 

I wonder if somebody is using this feature. 

Best regards,
ps: I'm talking of Pharo 3.

[1] MCFileBasedRepository>>notifyList
[2] MCVersionNotification>>notify:
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Re: [Pharo-dev] MCRepository can notify by email, did you know?

Stéphane Ducasse
never heard about it :)

On Nov 25, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Martin Dias <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just discovered this feature and wanted to share it:
> When a version is saved, the file repositories check if a file named 'notify' exists in the repository directory [1]. If it exists, then it reads email addresses from that file and send emails notifying the new version [2].
> We noticed with Camillo that this seems to be the only usage of SMTPClient in the image.
> I wonder if somebody is using this feature.
> Best regards,
> Martín
> ps: I'm talking of Pharo 3.
> [1] MCFileBasedRepository>>notifyList
> [2] MCVersionNotification>>notify: