MNU PREyeInspector>>elements for PRDocument with EyeTreeInspector

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MNU PREyeInspector>>elements for PRDocument with EyeTreeInspector

Ben Coman
I was looking at PRAnnotatedParagraphTest>>testParseBasic

and Inspected the result of the following...
     | wiki text tree |
     wiki := '@@foo bar zork'.
     text := 'bar zork'.
     tree := PRDocument new
         add: (PRAnnotatedParagraph new
             annotation: 'foo';
             add: (PRText content: 'bar zork');

The Inspector comes up okay using PREyeItemInspector to show PRDocument.
However when I change to EyeTreeInspector I get the error "MNU:

I tried digging into this but its beyond my current understanding. In
particular, PREyeInspector seems to have two potential sources of elements:
* ivar /tree/ holding a TreeModel that might return roots and/or children
* ivar /object/ holding a NewValueHolder holding a PRDocument that might
return its children.

Is there somewhere I should log a case for Pillar?

cheers -ben