MOOC english subtitles

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MOOC english subtitles

Ben Coman
May I do a pass over the english subtitles for the MOOC?
With the limited space and reading time you get with subtitles,
I see some things I could fine-tune.

One query on content, from [1] it says there are "good comments"
when I'd guess it would say "poor comments" from there being no class comment

00:00:49,830 --> 00:00:51,920
The system searches a little
and says that there are
00:00:53,200 --> 00:00:56,290
good comments. We will see this later.
For the moment, we don’t care.

cheers -ben


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Re: MOOC english subtitles


> May I do a pass over the english subtitles for the MOOC?
> With the limited space and reading time you get with subtitles,
> I see some things I could fine-tune.

Of course.
A company did them and we were really happy because french :)
Now I wonder how we can make sure that we keep the modified file clearly  
 from the old one.
I suggest that you copy the file and add a


> One query on content, from [1] it says there are "good comments"
> when I'd guess it would say "poor comments" from there being no class  
> comment
> 16
> 00:00:49,830 --> 00:00:51,920
> The system searches a little
> and says that there are
> 17
> 00:00:53,200 --> 00:00:56,290
> good comments. We will see this later.
> For the moment, we don’t care.

probably wrong :)

> cheers -ben
> [1]  

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Re: MOOC english subtitles

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

On video translations for the MOOC (and other videos) I would recommend
Amara[1]. It enables collaborative translations and their web interface
is pretty friendly. In the mock up I made on [2], you can see how the
Amara embedded player enables subtitles for one of the MOOC videos, that
is one of the first I would like to translate to Spanish (hopefully when
I finish my thesis).




On 06/03/17 15:37, stepharong wrote:

>> May I do a pass over the english subtitles for the MOOC?
>> With the limited space and reading time you get with subtitles,
>> I see some things I could fine-tune.
> Of course.
> A company did them and we were really happy because french :)
> Now I wonder how we can make sure that we keep the modified file
> clearly distinguishable
> from the old one.
> I suggest that you copy the file and add a
> Stef
>> One query on content, from [1] it says there are "good comments"
>> when I'd guess it would say "poor comments" from there being no class
>> comment
>> 16
>> 00:00:49,830 --> 00:00:51,920
>> The system searches a little
>> and says that there are
>> 17
>> 00:00:53,200 --> 00:00:56,290
>> good comments. We will see this later.
>> For the moment, we don’t care.
> probably wrong :)
>> cheers -ben
>> [1]