MVP, the missing manual?

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MVP, the missing manual?


Now that I see MVP is not as "scary" as "Twist of the Triad" made it
sound I would like to learn more about it :).

Is Ted Brachts book the defacto "MVP Manual"?

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Re: MVP, the missing manual?

Eric Taylor

I purchased this book along with Dolphin 6.0.  It's an excellent primer,
but I wouldn't consider it an "MVP Manual," per se.  It's more
comprehensive than that.  You will, however, learn much about MVP,
certainly what you need to get going.

The news archives will fill in the holes.  Chris Uppal, et al., and I
had a pretty instructive dialogue on the subject.  You should be able to
use my name--Eric Taylor--or his, along with "MVP," as search criteria
to locate the thread(s).



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Griff [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Posted At: Friday, August 18, 2006 4:27 PM
> Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin
> Conversation: MVP, the missing manual?
> Subject: MVP, the missing manual?
> Hi,
> Now that I see MVP is not as "scary" as "Twist of the Triad" made it
> sound I would like to learn more about it :).
> Is Ted Brachts book the defacto "MVP Manual"?