Magma on 1.1 one click image

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Magma on 1.1 one click image

Ramiro Diaz Trepat-2
Hi fellow pharoers,
Magma fails to load from the commands on the Pharo 1.1 workspace.
In my oppinion they should be removed from the that workspace, it gives users a sloppy impression of the release.
I don't think the image has to be sacred and untouched, we can remove 5 lines from a workspace, it will be good for Pharo 1.1.
Aside from that minor detail, I am enormously happy and grateful to all for this release.


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Re: Magma on 1.1 one click image

Hi Ramiro,

I don't think the image has to be sacred and untouched, we can remove 5 lines from a workspace, it will be good for Pharo 1.1.

Or maybe, only for this version, add this line before that 5 lines:

Scanner allowUnderscoreAsAssignment: true

Aside from that minor detail, I am enormously happy and grateful to all for this release.

Me too.



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Re: Magma on 1.1 one click image

Chris Muller-3
In reply to this post by Ramiro Diaz Trepat-2
I am putting together a release without underscore assignments.

2010/7/28 Ramiro Diaz Trepat <[hidden email]>:

> Hi fellow pharoers,
> Magma fails to load from the commands on the Pharo 1.1 workspace.
> In my oppinion they should be removed from the that workspace, it gives
> users a sloppy impression of the release.
> I don't think the image has to be sacred and untouched, we can remove 5
> lines from a workspace, it will be good for Pharo 1.1.
> Aside from that minor detail, I am enormously happy and grateful to all for
> this release.
> Cheers
> r
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