Magritte Chapter is Seaside Book - Missing Method

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Magritte Chapter is Seaside Book - Missing Method

Hi Esteban,

I'm running Pharo30764, and I just reloaded stable versions of Magritte and Seaside from ConfigurationOfSeaside3 and ConfigurationOfMagritte3, each versions 3.1.

The method #asComponent still isn't there in #Object and there is no protocol

I didn't think Pharo2 or Pharo3 would make a difference. I assume #asComponent would be provided by Magritte.


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Re: Magritte Chapter is Seaside Book - Missing Method

Stephan Eggermont-3
You need to tell ConfigurationOfMagritte more than just to load the stable version.
Magritte can be used without Seaside.

In ConfigurationOfQCMagritte:

                        project: 'Magritte3' with: [
                                        className: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
                                        versionString: #'stable';
                                        loads: #( 'Seaside' );
                                        repository: '' ].

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Re: Magritte Chapter is Seaside Book - Missing Method

Tobias Pape
In reply to this post by bprior
Dear Bruce

On 20.02.2014, at 23:01, Bruce Prior <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Esteban,
> I'm running Pharo30764, and I just reloaded stable versions of Magritte and Seaside from ConfigurationOfSeaside3 and ConfigurationOfMagritte3, each versions 3.1.
> The method #asComponent still isn't there in #Object and there is no protocol "magritte-seaside-converting."

note that the protocol actually needs the asterisk: *magritte-seaside-converting

Can you make sure that the monticello package "Magritte-Seaside" is loaded?

> I didn't think Pharo2 or Pharo3 would make a difference. I assume #asComponent would be provided by Magritte.


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Re: Magritte Chapter is Seaside Book - Missing Method

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by bprior
Hmm, this is probably due to the Configuration Browser defaulting to just loading stable.
More of an UI bug in Pharo then. I'll post a question on Pharo-dev.


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