Magritte + Comet problem?

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Magritte + Comet problem?

John Chludzinski
To use Comet I use:

      WAListener startOn: 8080.

But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
this is problematic?):

!WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
convertFileName: aString
        ^aString! !

!WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
convertRequest: aKomRequest
        | request |
        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.

        request := WARequest
                method: aKomRequest method
                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
                headers: aKomRequest header
                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.

        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
                ifTrue: [request fields
                                        at: 'PUTData'
                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
        ^ request! !

!WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
convertMultipartFileField: aChunk

        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
                contentType: aChunk contentType
                yourself! !

!WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
processMultipartFields: aRequest

        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
                | contents fieldName previousValue |
                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
                        ifTrue: [
                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
                previousValue isNil
                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
                        ifFalse: [
                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !
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Re: Magritte + Comet problem?

John Chludzinski
The problem occurred when I tried to use MAFileDescription from
Magritte.  When I tried to 'upload' a file I had selected, I got an
error in my Opera browser.  After some investigation I found that the
'fields' instance variable in WARequest was an empty Dictionary.
Hence, the changes in the class WAListener.  ---John

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, John Chludzinski
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> To use Comet I use:
>      WAListener startOn: 8080.
> But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
> to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
> this is problematic?):
> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
> convertFileName: aString
>        ^aString! !
> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
> convertRequest: aKomRequest
>        | request |
>        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.
>        request := WARequest
>                method: aKomRequest method
>                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
>                headers: aKomRequest header
>                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
>                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
>                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.
>        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
>                ifTrue: [request fields
>                                        at: 'PUTData'
>                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
>        ^ request! !
> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
> convertMultipartFileField: aChunk
>        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
>                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
>                contentType: aChunk contentType
>                yourself! !
> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
> processMultipartFields: aRequest
>        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
>                | contents fieldName previousValue |
>                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
>                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
>                        ifTrue: [
>                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
>                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
>                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
>                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>                previousValue isNil
>                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
>                        ifFalse: [
>                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
>                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
>                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
> collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !
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Re: Re: Magritte + Comet problem?

Lukas Renggli
Hi John, thanks for your fixes. That looks indeed like an omission.

Could you please post the Monticello mcz file, so that we can easily
merge your changes?


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 12:33 AM, John Chludzinski
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> The problem occurred when I tried to use MAFileDescription from
> Magritte.  When I tried to 'upload' a file I had selected, I got an
> error in my Opera browser.  After some investigation I found that the
> 'fields' instance variable in WARequest was an empty Dictionary.
> Hence, the changes in the class WAListener.  ---John
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, John Chludzinski
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> To use Comet I use:
>>      WAListener startOn: 8080.
>> But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
>> to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
>> this is problematic?):
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> convertFileName: aString
>>        ^aString! !
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> convertRequest: aKomRequest
>>        | request |
>>        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.
>>        request := WARequest
>>                method: aKomRequest method
>>                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
>>                headers: aKomRequest header
>>                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
>>                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
>>                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.
>>        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
>>                ifTrue: [request fields
>>                                        at: 'PUTData'
>>                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
>>        ^ request! !
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> convertMultipartFileField: aChunk
>>        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
>>                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
>>                contentType: aChunk contentType
>>                yourself! !
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> processMultipartFields: aRequest
>>        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
>>                | contents fieldName previousValue |
>>                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
>>                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
>>                        ifTrue: [
>>                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
>>                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
>>                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
>>                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>>                previousValue isNil
>>                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
>>                        ifFalse: [
>>                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
>>                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
>>                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
>> collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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Re: Magritte + Comet problem?

John Chludzinski
In reply to this post by John Chludzinski
Will a change-set do?  ---John

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:33 PM, John
Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:

> The problem occurred when I tried to use MAFileDescription from
> Magritte.  When I tried to 'upload' a file I had selected, I got an
> error in my Opera browser.  After some investigation I found that the
> 'fields' instance variable in WARequest was an empty Dictionary.
> Hence, the changes in the class WAListener.  ---John
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, John Chludzinski
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> To use Comet I use:
>>      WAListener startOn: 8080.
>> But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
>> to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
>> this is problematic?):
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> convertFileName: aString
>>        ^aString! !
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> convertRequest: aKomRequest
>>        | request |
>>        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.
>>        request := WARequest
>>                method: aKomRequest method
>>                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
>>                headers: aKomRequest header
>>                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
>>                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
>>                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.
>>        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
>>                ifTrue: [request fields
>>                                        at: 'PUTData'
>>                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
>>        ^ request! !
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> convertMultipartFileField: aChunk
>>        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
>>                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
>>                contentType: aChunk contentType
>>                yourself! !
>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>> processMultipartFields: aRequest
>>        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
>>                | contents fieldName previousValue |
>>                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
>>                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
>>                        ifTrue: [
>>                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
>>                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
>>                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
>>                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>>                previousValue isNil
>>                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
>>                        ifFalse: [
>>                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
>>                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
>>                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
>> collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !

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Listener-Magritte fix.1.cs.gz (1K) Download Attachment
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Re: Re: Magritte + Comet problem?

Lukas Renggli
A Monticello file would be much simpler to merge, but a change-set is fine too.

What I need to know is the Monticello version the code is based on, I
am pretty sure that it changed in the meantime.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:57 PM, John
Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Will a change-set do?  ---John
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:33 PM, John
> Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> The problem occurred when I tried to use MAFileDescription from
>> Magritte.  When I tried to 'upload' a file I had selected, I got an
>> error in my Opera browser.  After some investigation I found that the
>> 'fields' instance variable in WARequest was an empty Dictionary.
>> Hence, the changes in the class WAListener.  ---John
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, John Chludzinski
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> To use Comet I use:
>>>      WAListener startOn: 8080.
>>> But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
>>> to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
>>> this is problematic?):
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> convertFileName: aString
>>>        ^aString! !
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> convertRequest: aKomRequest
>>>        | request |
>>>        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.
>>>        request := WARequest
>>>                method: aKomRequest method
>>>                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
>>>                headers: aKomRequest header
>>>                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
>>>                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
>>>                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.
>>>        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
>>>                ifTrue: [request fields
>>>                                        at: 'PUTData'
>>>                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
>>>        ^ request! !
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> convertMultipartFileField: aChunk
>>>        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
>>>                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
>>>                contentType: aChunk contentType
>>>                yourself! !
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> processMultipartFields: aRequest
>>>        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
>>>                | contents fieldName previousValue |
>>>                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
>>>                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
>>>                        ifTrue: [
>>>                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
>>>                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
>>>                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
>>>                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>>>                previousValue isNil
>>>                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
>>>                        ifFalse: [
>>>                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
>>>                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
>>>                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
>>> collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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Re: Re: Magritte + Comet problem?

Lukas Renggli
I published Seaside2.8a1-lr.589. Loading into the latest Seaside 2.8
was simpler than I expected, there were no conflicts. Thanks for the


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Lukas Renggli<[hidden email]> wrote:

> A Monticello file would be much simpler to merge, but a change-set is fine too.
> What I need to know is the Monticello version the code is based on, I
> am pretty sure that it changed in the meantime.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:57 PM, John
> Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Will a change-set do?  ---John
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:33 PM, John
>> Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> The problem occurred when I tried to use MAFileDescription from
>>> Magritte.  When I tried to 'upload' a file I had selected, I got an
>>> error in my Opera browser.  After some investigation I found that the
>>> 'fields' instance variable in WARequest was an empty Dictionary.
>>> Hence, the changes in the class WAListener.  ---John
>>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, John Chludzinski
>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> To use Comet I use:
>>>>      WAListener startOn: 8080.
>>>> But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
>>>> to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
>>>> this is problematic?):
>>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>>> convertFileName: aString
>>>>        ^aString! !
>>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>>> convertRequest: aKomRequest
>>>>        | request |
>>>>        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.
>>>>        request := WARequest
>>>>                method: aKomRequest method
>>>>                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
>>>>                headers: aKomRequest header
>>>>                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
>>>>                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
>>>>                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.
>>>>        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
>>>>                ifTrue: [request fields
>>>>                                        at: 'PUTData'
>>>>                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
>>>>        ^ request! !
>>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>>> convertMultipartFileField: aChunk
>>>>        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
>>>>                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
>>>>                contentType: aChunk contentType
>>>>                yourself! !
>>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>>> processMultipartFields: aRequest
>>>>        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
>>>>                | contents fieldName previousValue |
>>>>                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
>>>>                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
>>>>                        ifTrue: [
>>>>                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
>>>>                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
>>>>                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
>>>>                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>>>>                previousValue isNil
>>>>                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
>>>>                        ifFalse: [
>>>>                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
>>>>                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
>>>>                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
>>>> collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
> --
> Lukas Renggli

Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Magritte + Comet problem?

John Chludzinski
In reply to this post by John Chludzinski
One other thing: I'm trying to use Magritte to display profile info
about different people and was wondering about support for small (a la
passport) pictures I could use.  I was playing with MAFileDescription
to help give me something along those lines.

Is there something in Magritte that would display the picture in a
report?  ---John

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:57 AM, John
Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Will a change-set do?  ---John
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:33 PM, John
> Chludzinski<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> The problem occurred when I tried to use MAFileDescription from
>> Magritte.  When I tried to 'upload' a file I had selected, I got an
>> error in my Opera browser.  After some investigation I found that the
>> 'fields' instance variable in WARequest was an empty Dictionary.
>> Hence, the changes in the class WAListener.  ---John
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, John Chludzinski
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> To use Comet I use:
>>>      WAListener startOn: 8080.
>>> But it appears that Magritte doesn't work with WAListener.  To get it
>>> to work Bob Arning & I made mods to WAListener (let me know anyone if
>>> this is problematic?):
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> convertFileName: aString
>>>        ^aString! !
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> convertRequest: aKomRequest
>>>        | request |
>>>        self processMultipartFields: aKomRequest.
>>>        request := WARequest
>>>                method: aKomRequest method
>>>                url: aKomRequest url unescapePercents
>>>                headers: aKomRequest header
>>>                fields: (self fieldsOf: aKomRequest)
>>>                cookies: aKomRequest cookies
>>>                nativeRequest: aKomRequest.
>>>        aKomRequest method = 'PUT'
>>>                ifTrue: [request fields
>>>                                        at: 'PUTData'
>>>                                        put: (aKomRequest stream next: aKomRequest contentLength)].
>>>        ^ request! !
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> convertMultipartFileField: aChunk
>>>        ^(WAFile fromChunk: aChunk)
>>>                fileName: (self convertFileName: aChunk fileName);
>>>                contentType: aChunk contentType
>>>                yourself! !
>>> !WAListener methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'raa 6/3/2009 14:42'!
>>> processMultipartFields: aRequest
>>>        aRequest multipartFormFieldsDo: [ :chunk |
>>>                | contents fieldName previousValue |
>>>                fieldName := chunk fieldName.
>>>                contents := chunk fileName isEmptyOrNil
>>>                        ifTrue: [
>>>                                String streamContents: [ :stream |
>>>                                        chunk saveToStream: stream ] ]
>>>                        ifFalse: [ self convertMultipartFileField: chunk ].
>>>                previousValue := aRequest postFields at: fieldName ifAbsent: [ nil ].
>>>                previousValue isNil
>>>                        ifTrue: [  aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: contents ]
>>>                        ifFalse: [
>>>                                (previousValue isKindOf: self collectionClass)
>>>                                        ifTrue: [ previousValue add: contents ]
>>>                                        ifFalse: [ aRequest postFields at: fieldName put: (self
>>> collectionClass with: previousValue with: contents) ] ] ]! !
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