Magritte+Seaside 3.4.4+Pharo issues

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Magritte+Seaside 3.4.4+Pharo issues

Sanjay Minni
Hi I am posting these here (rather in desperation) as I seem to be stuck very
erratically in Magritte.

Magritte appeared to me the next best thing after sliced bread but somehow i
just cant get it to toast.

trying the simplest of the example - exercise 1 - from the booklet "Meta
Data at work with Magritte" - item 4.3 - which is a form rendering CMPerson
from the code example library Magritte-ContactManager - i now get errors /
walkbacks in the Classes. Yet it seemed working earlier. (PS I have only
loaded Pharo 8)

- MAInternalEditorComponent
- MAFileModelHandler



I see it being used in desktop and probably in web (seaside) as well but
somehow I am drawing a blank

So can someone pls just help me and put any fixes as required (I will do a
sprint over 2 weeks to get an app up) - - its a make or break for me

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