Mailing list web forum seems to be broken

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Mailing list web forum seems to be broken

Richard Sargent
Earlier today, Kenneth Payne ****** via wrote:

For some time now the forum on has not been working properly.
Messages to this list are showing up in my mailbox but not on the website.

Is someone looking at this? it's not a good look for the pharo community.


I tried to reply, but neither his message nor my reply is visible in the forum. My reply explained the probable cause. But since no one got to see it, it wasn't very helpful.

My reply was:
I believe you are seeing the effect of


As far as I understand, the Nabble developers changed things so that one cannot submit messages via email. The thread mentioned above did not explain why.

[ Mailing Lists will be updated to regular forums next week
This feature will be removed and Mailing Lists will be turned into regular forums. ]
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Re: Mailing list web forum seems to be broken

Thanks for the information.
