Major Improvement of Grapher

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Major Improvement of Grapher

Dear all,

Just to share our progresses about Grapher. Grapher is a component of Roassal to draw charts. We made two significant improvements that (I think :-) make sense to share with you.

***** Box plots *****

A box and whisker plot is a diagram showing statistical distribution of a data set. This is highly important as soon as you need to understand the distribution of some data.

Here is an example:
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 50 @ 300.
ds := RTBoxPlotDataSet new.
ds points: #(4.3  5.1  3.9  4.5  4.4  4.9  5.0  4.7  4.1  4.6  4.4  4.3  4.8  4.4  4.2  4.5  4.4).
b add: ds.

b axisX noLabel; noTick.
b open

A slightly more elaborated example:

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 400 @ 200.
RTShape withAllSubclasses do: [ :cls |
ds := RTBoxPlotDataSet new.
ds points: (cls methodDictionary values collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode).
b add: ds.

b open

***** Tick Improvement *****

Ticks are now much nicer. Consider the following script:

b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTDataSet new. 
ds dotShape color: Roassal2.Color red. 
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
b add: ds.
b addDecorator: (RTAverageDecorator new withLabel; labelConvertion: [ :value | ' average = ', (value round: 2) asString ]).
b build.
b open



Not a big deal, but this is much nicer.

Some links:
Just grab roassal2-full or roassal2-dev from the Cincom public Store.

We are thinking about having a Roassal Camp Smalltalk just before ESUG. 
Who is joining ? :-) 

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Major Improvement of Grapher

Thomas Brodt-2
Hi Alexandre

great news!

I just asked if there are box plots available, and some days later, here they are ;-). Fantastic. Does it always work that way?

Also the ticks really look much finer and more elegant than before, especially the 0@0 plot.

Keep on!


Am 24.04.2015 um 01:47 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:
Dear all,

Just to share our progresses about Grapher. Grapher is a component of Roassal to draw charts. We made two significant improvements that (I think :-) make sense to share with you.

***** Box plots *****

A box and whisker plot is a diagram showing statistical distribution of a data set. This is highly important as soon as you need to understand the distribution of some data.

vwnc mailing list
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Re: Major Improvement of Grapher


We have plenty of super-cool features coming! Stay tuned!

Alexandre Bergel

On Apr 24, 2015, at 4:51 AM, Thomas Brodt <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Alexandre

great news!

I just asked if there are box plots available, and some days later, here they are ;-). Fantastic. Does it always work that way?

Also the ticks really look much finer and more elegant than before, especially the 0@0 plot.

Keep on!


Am 24.04.2015 um 01:47 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:
Dear all,

Just to share our progresses about Grapher. Grapher is a component of Roassal to draw charts. We made two significant improvements that (I think :-) make sense to share with you.

***** Box plots *****

A box and whisker plot is a diagram showing statistical distribution of a data set. This is highly important as soon as you need to understand the distribution of some data.

vwnc mailing list
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