MakeRelease process

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MakeRelease process

Dale Henrichs
It seems to me that the hudson server is already building the needed
release artifacts as well as running the tests ... so building the
release artifacts manually seems redundant and error prone.

The only fly in the ointment is that the hudson server (presumably)
loads the latest code whenever it does it's build/test cycle.

Which means that 5 minutes after the decision to make a release someone
could check in a new package that wasn't intended to be part of the release.

If the hudson server built a set of artifacts based on the Metacello
configuration for Seaside30, then we'd have a stable definition for the
product artifacts...then the process would be something like:

1. Update version numbers...
2. Load all latest code....
3. Update the Metacello config...
3.5 wait 24 hours
3.6 verify that hudson tests pass
4. (should be done by hudson server?)
5. snap off a new change log
6. copy hudson artifacts to website...

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Re: MakeRelease process

Dale Henrichs
On 12/14/2010 09:42 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> It seems to me that the hudson server is already building the needed
> release artifacts as well as running the tests ... so building the
> release artifacts manually seems redundant and error prone.
> The only fly in the ointment is that the hudson server (presumably)
> loads the latest code whenever it does it's build/test cycle.
> Which means that 5 minutes after the decision to make a release someone
> could check in a new package that wasn't intended to be part of the release.
> If the hudson server built a set of artifacts based on the Metacello
> configuration for Seaside30, then we'd have a stable definition for the
> product artifacts...then the process would be something like:
> 1. Update version numbers...
> 2. Load all latest code....
> 3. Update the Metacello config...
> 3.5 wait 24 hours
> 3.6 verify that hudson tests pass
> 4. (should be done by hudson server?)
> 5. snap off a new change log
> 6. copy hudson artifacts to website...
> etc...
> Dale
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BTW, I downloaded the archive of seaside3-oneclick, seaside3-tests,
seaside3-swazoo, and seaside3 and verified that (from a Grease and
Seaside30 perspective) no unwanted mcz files were included, so I've
captured the artifacts that are needed to perform step 6, but I don't
think I've got permission to actually update the website...

seaside-dev mailing list
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