We have a Morph containing a RubTextFieldMorph that we want
to be able to drag around. At the same time, we want selection
extension with the mouse to work. That feels ok when the dragging
can only be initiated when the text field has no keyboard focus.
The way we've made that work feels somewhat clumsy.
What would be a better way?
The containing morph has a default mouseDownPriority of 10
super initialize.
self addMorph: (
on: self)
withGhostText: self defaultTitle;
autoAccept: true;
bounds: (self bounds);
prio := 10.
When it is clicked, the prio is set to 0
MindmapNode>>click: evt
submorphs first takeKeyboardFocus.
prio := 0
The text field is subclassed
RubTextFieldMorph subclass: #MindmapTextField
and overrides whenFocusLost:
MindmapTextFieldwhenLostForcus: anAnnouncement
owner resetPrio.
super whenLostForcus: anAnnouncement
prio := 10
Noah & Stephan