Making a process wait for a window to close

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Making a process wait for a window to close

Carl Gundel-2
What's the easiest way to open a window or dialog in VA Smalltalk such that the opening process stops and waits for the window to close before it continues?
-Carl Gundel

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Re: Making a process wait for a window to close

Hi Carl,

if you want to simply show some info with an ok od ok/cancel buttons, look for implementors of prompt*


Am Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013 17:22:58 UTC+2 schrieb Carl Gundel:
What's the easiest way to open a window or dialog in VA Smalltalk such that the opening process stops and waits for the window to close before it continues?
-Carl Gundel

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Re: Making a process wait for a window to close

Ben van Dijk
In reply to this post by Carl Gundel-2

Open the window with any of these methods: #openSystemModalWidget, #openApplicationModalWidget or #openFullApplicationModalWidget
This will block the opening window

Op donderdag 2 mei 2013 17:22:58 UTC+2 schreef Carl Gundel het volgende:
What's the easiest way to open a window or dialog in VA Smalltalk such that the opening process stops and waits for the window to close before it continues?
-Carl Gundel

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