Peter and
in the slack pharo channel helped me with this and I have the
opportunity to help finding a bug for Roassal, so it has been a
really nice morning. Here is the code snippet:
The bug is related with RTArc and the fact that you can not drag it
more that once. Peter already told to Alexandre.
This is a good example of the goodness pharo brings everyday,
following the line of the last "Thanks for Pharo" thread by Jimmie.
Thanks, as always :-).
On 17/10/15 08:00, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all :),
When I'm starting to prototype a visualization I like to make all
elements draggable so I can test easily several layouts. This
works well for simple elements, but I can't understand well how to
make it work with complex ones like the
Consider the code at http://ws.stfx.eu/1HC0HALHUKIC
. There I create a ring pie chart and visualize it. I would like
to make it draggable and add more elements to a the view. I have
browsed the layout chapter by Peter on Agile visualization[1], but
still I don't get it. I will made a detailed reading to catch what
I'm missing and redo some proposed exercises, but any help is
greatly appreciated.