Thanks Nicolai,
I used an approach suggested by Merwan Ouddane in a private mail that
consisted in changing "UITheme>>taskListFillStyleFor:" inside
PolymorphWidgets Themes package changing the GradientFillStyle
This is my result:
taskListFillStyleFor: aTasklist
| aColor result |
aColor := aTasklist color.
result := GradientFillStyle ramp: {
0.0->aColor whiter whiter. 0.2->aColor muchDarker.
0.8->aColor darker. 1.0->aColor muchDarker}.
^ result
origin: aTasklist topLeft;
direction: 0 @ aTasklist height;
radial: false;
Which is easier and more pleasant to my eyes
El 26/01/15 a las 05:34, Nicolai Hess escribió:
> 2015-01-07 18:20 GMT+01:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
[hidden email]
> <mailto:
[hidden email]>>:
> Hi all,
> As usual, when I put the mouse over the name of a window, a small preview
> appears with a grey allow with the full name of the window, but letters are
> white surrounded by a pale grey making the full name really difficult to
> read. There is any way to increase the contrast there between font and
> background?
> This is defined in UIThemeWatery>>#newTaskbarThumbnailIn: aThemedMorph for: aWindow
> It looks better with the WateryTheme, because it uses a darker background.
> You can:
> - define your own theme as a Subclass of Pharo3Theme and overwrite this method
> - change the background(color) of the world.
> Thanks,
> Offray