Management of ctrl + shift in windows

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Management of ctrl + shift in windows


I have a weird problem on Windows and shortcuts.

For the context I use a keyboard which is not of the AZERTY/QWERTY
layout but BÉPO.[1]

I have a problem with the fact that some `ctrl + shift + ?` shortucts
does not works. But some works.

For example in Nautilus I cannot do a format (`ctrl + shift + f`) or a
debug it (`ctrl + shift + d`). In the other hand, in Spotter I can drill
down a category with `ctrl + shift + ->`.

If I use the AZERTY layout I do not have this problem.

I tried to use the KeyPrinterMorph and to do the format shortcut. Here
is the result:

- Key SHIFT_L code: (65505)
- Key CONTROL_L code: (65507)
- Key F code: (70)

- Key SHIFT_L code: (65505)
- Key CONTROL_L code: (65507)
- Key F code: (70)

So this is the same key events.

I don't have the knowledge and the time to investigate this.  Maybe
someone have some idea of where can be the problem?


Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France