Manuia Memory Monitor

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Manuia Memory Monitor

Torsten Bergmann
>I just did nothing. I mean NOTHING in the image, while Manuia was running

Even if YOU do nothing in an image there are processes running
(including Manuia itself) creating objects that get collected.

>Another question: what is the red curve in your screenshot?  I don't have

Click on "Probe class" and enter a class name, e.g. "Array"
As Alexandre wrote: red line = evolution of the number of instances

two things:
- "Manuia Memory Monitor" => I would just call it "Memory Monitor"
  (at least in the menu)
- When installed there is also a "MOEasel" menu entry appearing
  from Mondrian => gives a DNU when clicked


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Re: Manuia Memory Monitor

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
>I just did nothing. I mean NOTHING in the image, while Manuia was running

Even if YOU do nothing in an image there are processes running
(including Manuia itself) creating objects that get collected.

Good point. Maybe in a finer release, it could exclude its own usage from the graphs?

>Another question: what is the red curve in your screenshot?  I don't have

Click on "Probe class" and enter a class name, e.g. "Array"
As Alexandre wrote: red line = evolution of the number of instances

Uff I didn't read it. Thanks
two things:
- "Manuia Memory Monitor" => I would just call it "Memory Monitor"
 (at least in the menu)

- When installed there is also a "MOEasel" menu entry appearing
 from Mondrian => gives a DNU when clicked


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