I checked whether this still works on Pharo 7. I set up a GitHub repository so I could run it through Travis CI [1]. It would still be great if this could be integrated into the standard Pharo image. To get rid of the dependency on Zinc, I guess the Unicode data files could be added to the Pharo repository? The file “UnicodeData.txt” is already there [2], the other files that are needed are “CompositionExclusions.txt”, “ HangulSyllableType.txt” and “NormalizationTest.txt” [3].
[1] https://travis-ci.org/Rinzwind/PharoUnicodeNormalization [2] https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/tree/6fa76da19b32aa9eef3a1530b2619534cf72e791/resources/unicode [3] https://github.com/Rinzwind/PharoUnicodeNormalization/blob/c5b0b2fd800344130ca74b9645f0d262a0d19005/packages/UnicodeNormalization-Core.package/Unicode.extension/class/downloadUCDFiles.st#L8
Priority: 5 – Fix If Time
Status: Work Needed
Assigned to: Everyone
Milestone: Later
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