Manuscript (Case [Issue]21984) Calypso - Traits and class Users should be unified in Calypso and lower level

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]21984) Calypso - Traits and class Users should be unified in Calypso and lower level

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Pavel Krivanek resolved Case 21984: Traits and class Users should be unified in Calypso and lower level and assigned it to Stephane Ducasse:
Enhancement in Project:  Calypso: Misc  •  You are subscribed to this case
We discussed it with Esteban and we will keep the current behavior, at least for Pharo 7. On the other hand, displaying class definitions in references would make sense too and maybe would be less confusing.
Status changed:
Work Needed (Conclusion)  changed to  Resolved (Invalid)

Assigned To changed:
Everyone  changed to  Stephane Ducasse

Priority Priority: 3 – Must Fix Status Status: Resolved (Invalid)
Assigned To Assigned to: Stephane Ducasse Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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