Manuscript (Case [Issue]22180) File System - Add error margin to FileReferenceAttributeTests

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22180) File System - Add error margin to FileReferenceAttributeTests

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
Bug in Project:  File System: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
Hi Christophe,

Unfortunately I don't have an example to point to. It's happened a few times in my virtualbox windows environment, and once in the CI. The logs are a long gone.

My idea was to modify DiskFileAttributesTestsResources>>setUp to subtract 30 seconds from the beforeCreationTime and add 30 seconds to the afterCreationTime.

This would mean that any small variation in timestamps, up to 30 seconds, e.g. due to caching, would be ignored, but the main purpose of the tests, ensuring that the primitive is basically working and that timezones are being calculated correctly, are still being tested.

Priority Priority: 3 – Must Fix Status Status: Working On
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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