Bug in Kernel: 1. Pharo Image
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If we decrease the priority of the forced process handling startup/shutdown, it also works (maxPriority - 1). We do not get why it works in this case.
That is because the only process allowed to run at maxPriority (Processor timingPriority) is the delay scheduler and only it. So, as this process is not selected to run by the VM, no other process will be selected to be launched and it'll result to a freeze of the image.
Therefore, a solution to the issue is to use Process timingPriority -1 instead of Process highestPriority in the version submitted before this PR (https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/1659) in the method SessionManager >> snapshot:andQuit:
Status changed:
Resolved (Fix Integrated)
Work Needed
Assigned To changed:
Priority changed:
1 – Show Stopper !!!!!!
3 – Must Fix