Manuscript (Case [Issue]22308) _Inbox - Cleaning baseClass/classClass leftovers

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22308) _Inbox - Cleaning baseClass/classClass leftovers

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
Cleanup in Project:  _Inbox: Not Spam  •  You are subscribed to this case
I have the impression that my changes breaks senders/implementors in findSelectorFromAST

Now the logic of findSelectorFromAST is really bad since the client has no way to know that the fallbackBlock has been sent.

"Try to make a selector out of the current text selection"

| node fallbackBlock |

fallbackBlock := [^self].
node := self bestNodeInTextAreaOnError: fallbackBlock.

node isMethod ifFalse: [
(node isValue and: [ node value isSymbol ]) ifTrue: [ ^node value ].

[ node isMessage ] whileFalse: [
(node := node parent) ifNil: fallbackBlock ]].

^node selector
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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