Manuscript (Case [Issue]22360) Crosscutting and Misc - add pharo.version next to the image file

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22360) Crosscutting and Misc - add pharo.version next to the image file

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
Pavel Krivanek opened Case 22360: add pharo.version next to the image file and assigned it to Everyone:
Enhancement in Project:  Crosscutting and Misc: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
We need to add a pharo.version file for purposes of the Pharo Launcher next to the image file to avoid the need of running the image to determine the Pharo version that can fail if the Pharo Launcher VM is not compatible with the executed image (like in case of the latest 70 images).

To add the next file is not a nice solution but curently the best one we can provide.
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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