Manuscript (Case [Issue]22466) Streams - Add readWriteStream and readWriteStreamDo: in FileSystem

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22466) Streams - Add readWriteStream and readWriteStreamDo: in FileSystem

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Guillermo Polito opened Case 22466: Add readWriteStream and readWriteStreamDo: in FileSystem and assigned it to Everyone:
Cleanup in Project:  Streams: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
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| Since ever (or as far as I can remember), FileReference made a distinction between read and write
| streams, see #readStream[Do:] and #writeStream[Do:] - these return a ZnCharacterReadStream and
| ZnCharacterWriteStream in Pharo 7.

I think so too.

| Along the same lines, #binaryReadStream and #binaryWriteStream where introduced.

Well, when I did the stream changes on FileSystem, there was already support for binary streams. I just exposed it in the API :)

| However, the first returns a ZnBufferedReadStream (OK) while the latter returns a
| ZnBufferedReadWriteStream. Why ?

I cannot tell now the details, but there were some parts of the system where it was assumed that a write-stream is read-write.
IIRC this was related with the changes/sources file handling.

| I think it would be generally better if a standard ZnBufferedWriteStream where returned.

ZnBufferedReadWriteStream is not a very pretty class to say the least, it also strikes me as confusing.

| What would break if we changed this ?

| If necessary there could be something like #readWriteStream[Do:] I guess.

That could be a cleaner way to do this, yes.
And this would isolate strange uses.
Priority Priority: 4 – Would be nice Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo8.0

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