I've implemented the suggested fix, but in this way you can't open a certain item, can't you?
I ex cep pec t a single click to open an item in a 'sub Inspector' and a double click to open the item in a new Inspector window.
The following fix seems to work for me:
gtInspectorItemsIn: composite
^ composite fastTable
title: 'Items';
display: [ self ];
wantsAutomaticRefresh: true;
column: 'Index' evaluated: [ :value :idex | idex asString ] width: 50;
column: 'Item' evaluated: [ :value | GTObjectPrinter asTruncatedTextFrom: value ];
send: [ :result |
result isNil
ifTrue: [ nil ]
ifFalse: [ result isArray
ifTrue: [ result anyOne ]
ifFalse: [ result inspect ] ] ]
Priority: 3 – Must Fix
Status: Resolved (Fix Review Needed)
Assigned to: Wouter van Zuilen
Milestone: Pharo7.0
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