In fact I think that to handle the fact that we can use a debug in the middle this definition is better
ifCondition: aBlock inCallSelectors: aSelectorCollection <debuggerCompleteToSender> "Halt ifCondition: [ 1 = 1] inCallSelectors: {#testParse}"
LocalRecursionStopper during: [ | cntxt haltSenderContext | haltSenderContext := thisContext home sender. cntxt := haltSenderContext. [ cntxt isNil ] whileFalse: [ ((aSelectorCollection includes: cntxt selector) and: aBlock) ifTrue: [ self signalIn: haltSenderContext ]. cntxt := cntxt sender ] ]
Priority: 5 – Fix If Time
Status: Work Needed
Assigned to: Everyone
Milestone: Pharo7.0
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