instead links do not work correctly with #level: the meta link is correctly not called, but the original code is not executed
To reproduce:
UIManager default alert: 'Actual Version'.
and then:
| link choice |
choice := true.
link := MetaLink new metaObject: [ :object :selector :arguments |
UIManager default alert: 'Linked Version'.
choice ifTrue: [ object perform: selector withArguments: arguments].
selector: #value:value:value:;
arguments: #(#object #selector #arguments);
control: #instead;
level: 0.
(TestMetaLink >> #execute) ast link: link.
TestMetaLink new execute.
link uninstall.
Priority: 5 – Fix If Time
Status: Work Needed
Assigned to: Marcus Denker
Milestone: Pharo7.0
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