Manuscript (Case [Issue]22663) Fuel - FLContextSerializationTest>>#testDoIt is failing on 64-bit image

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22663) Fuel - FLContextSerializationTest>>#testDoIt is failing on 64-bit image

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Bug in Project:  Fuel: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
<testcase classname="Fuel.Tests.Core.Base.FLContextSerializationTest" name="testDoIt" time="3.766">
<error type="FLObsolete" message="Serialization error. 'AnObsoleteTTT1' can not be serialized as global because it is obsolete.">
FLGlobalClassCluster(FLGlobalCluster)>>serializeGlobalClass:on: FLGlobalClassCluster>>serializeInstance:with: [ :instance | self serializeInstance: instance with: anEncoder ] in FLGlobalClassCluster(FLIteratingCluster)>>serializeInstancesStepWith: IdentitySet(Set)>>do: FLGlobalClassCluster(FLIteratingCluster)>>serializeInstancesStepWith: FLSerialization>>clusterInstancesStepOf: [ :aCluster | self clusterInstancesStepOf: aCluster ] in FLSerialization>>instancesStep OrderedCollection>>do: FLSerialization>>instancesStep FLSerialization>>run [ :anObject :anEncoder | (FLSerialization with: anEncoder root: anObject analyzer: self analyzer) run; yourself ] in FLSerializer>>setDefaultSerialization [ :anEncoder | self encodeSignatureWith: anEncoder. self encodeVersionWith: anEncoder. self encodeHeaderWith: anEncoder. ^ self serializationFactory value: anObject value: anEncoder ] in FLSerializer>>serialize:on: [ aBlock value: anEncoder ] in FLEncoder class>>on:globalEnvironment:do: BlockClosure>>ensure: FLEncoder class>>on:globalEnvironment:do: FLSerializer>>serialize:on: [ :aStream | self serializer serialize: anObject on: aStream ] in FLContextSerializationTest(FLSerializationTest)>>serialize: FLMultiByteStreamStrategy>>writeStreamDo: FLContextSerializationTest(FLSerializationTest)>>serialize: FLContextSerializationTest>>testDoIt FLContextSerializationTest(TestCase)>>performTest

The TTT1 is created by TraitTest. So it looks like a side-effect on the CI, not directly related to the 64-bit platform
Priority Priority: 2 – Really Important Status Status: Work Needed (Not Reproducible)
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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