Manuscript (Case [Issue]22705) Morphic - We can get two times the mouseEnter/mouseLeave event when subscribing to the eventHandler of a Morph

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22705) Morphic - We can get two times the mouseEnter/mouseLeave event when subscribing to the eventHandler of a Morph

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Bug in Project:  Morphic: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
Here is the fix that should be integrated in Pharo 8:

handleMouseEnter: anEvent
"System level event handling."

anEvent isDraggingEvent
ifTrue: [ (self handlesMouseOverDragging: anEvent)
ifTrue: [ anEvent wasHandled: true.
self mouseEnterDragging: anEvent ].
^ self eventHandler ifNotNil: [ :handler | handler mouseEnterDragging: anEvent fromMorph: self ] ].
self wantsBalloon
ifTrue: [ anEvent hand triggerBalloonFor: self after: self balloonHelpDelayTime ].
^ (self handlesMouseOver: anEvent)
ifTrue: [ anEvent wasHandled: true.
self mouseEnter: anEvent ]
ifFalse: [ self eventHandler ifNotNil: [ :handler | handler mouseEnter: anEvent fromMorph: self ] ]


handleMouseLeave: anEvent
"System level event handling."

anEvent hand removePendingBalloonFor: self.
anEvent isDraggingEvent
ifTrue: [ (self handlesMouseOverDragging: anEvent)
ifTrue: [ anEvent wasHandled: true.
self mouseLeaveDragging: anEvent ].
^ self eventHandler ifNotNil: [ :handler | handler mouseLeave: anEvent fromMorph: self ] ].
^ (self handlesMouseOver: anEvent)
ifTrue: [ anEvent wasHandled: true.
self mouseLeave: anEvent ]
ifFalse: [ self eventHandler ifNotNil: [ :handler | handler mouseLeave: anEvent fromMorph: self ] ]
Priority Priority: 3 – Must Fix Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo8.0

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