Manuscript (Case [Issue]22713) UI - Windows no longer clickable if second file-in is done before confirming first

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22713) UI - Windows no longer clickable if second file-in is done before confirming first

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
Bug in Project:  UI: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
Tested in latest Pharo 6.1 (60546) and Pharo 7 (build 1424) on Windows 10.

When you try to file in two file-outed (filed-out? :) ) packages/classes (files), but do not confirm the dialog for first file before trying to file in the second file, opened windows and taskbar are no longer clickable.

Steps to reproduce:

1) File out any two packages
2) Leave some windows opened (like browser)
3) Drag and drop first .st file with the package into image (to file it in)
4) Do NOT confirm the dialog (where you can choose FileIn entire file) yet - leave it open
5) Drag and drop second .st file onto image
6) Choose FileIn entire file in the second dialog or close the second dialog (the first one is not clickable at the moment anyway)
7) Choose FileIn entire file or close the first dialog (which now becomes clickable again)
8) Now try to click on any of those windows opened in the beginning (the browser) - it does not work - it is clicked through onto world. Also the taskbar is not clickable. The toolbar in Pharo 7 is.
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Later

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