SmallInteger(Object)>>error: SmallInteger(Object)>>errorNotIndexable SmallInteger(Object)>>size [ :result | "withSmalltalkSearch; showOnly: 50; helpMessage: 'Quick selection field. Given your INPUT, it executes: self select: [:each | INPUT ]'." result isNil ifTrue: [ nil ] ifFalse: [ result size = 1 ifTrue: [ result anyOne ] ifFalse: [ self species withAll: result ] ] ] in Array(SequenceableCollection)>>gtInspectorItemsIn: in Block: [ :result | ... BlockClosure>>glamourValueWithArgs: BlockClosure(ProtoObject)>>glamourValue: GLMFastTablePresentation(GLMPresentation)>>strongSelection: [ :ann | tableModel glamourPresentation strongSelection: ann strongSelectionValue ] in GLMMorphicFastTableRenderer(GLMMorphicFTRenderer)>>initializeAnnouncementForDataSource in Block: [ :ann | ... BlockClosure>>cull: BlockClosure>>cull:cull: [ action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer ] in AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: in Block: [ action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer ] BlockClosure>>on:do: [ Processor terminateActive ] in [ :ex | | copy onDoCtx process handler bottom thisCtx | onDoCtx := thisContext. thisCtx := onDoCtx home.
"find the context on stack for which this method's is sender" [ onDoCtx sender == thisCtx ] whileFalse: [ onDoCtx := onDoCtx sender. onDoCtx ifNil: [ "Can't find our home context. seems like we're already forked and handling another exception in new thread. In this case, just pass it through handler." ^ handlerAction cull: ex ] ]. bottom := [ Processor terminateActive ] asContext. onDoCtx privSender: bottom. handler := [ handlerAction cull: ex ] asContext. handler privSender: thisContext sender. (Process forContext: handler priority: Processor activePriority) resume.
"cut the stack of current process" thisContext privSender: thisCtx. nil ] in BlockClosure>>on:fork: in Block: [ Processor terminateActive ]
Priority: 3 – Must Fix
Status: Work Needed
Assigned to: Everyone
Milestone: Pharo7.0
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