Manuscript (Case [Issue]22784) Metacello - Metacello scripts does not work when project is already loaded

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22784) Metacello - Metacello scripts does not work when project is already loaded

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Bug in Project:  Metacello: Divers  •  You are subscribed to this case
Thanks Pablo. It works.

But I found one issue. Metacello does not load master when it is not specified explicitly. For example when I first load:

Metacello new
baseline: 'StateSpecs';
repository: 'github://dionisiydk/StateSpecs:v2.4.8';
onUpgrade: [:ex | ex useIncoming];
onConflict: [ :err | err useIncoming ];

And then:

Metacello new
baseline: 'StateSpecs';
repository: 'github://dionisiydk/StateSpecs';
onUpgrade: [:ex | ex useIncoming];
onConflict: [ :err | err useIncoming ];

The master version is not loaded.
But if I use explicitly "StateSpecs:master" it is loaded.

Probably not really important case because we are usually specifying version or branch in baselines or scripts. But maybe you know fast fix. Otherwise I will open another issue for Pharo 8
Priority Priority: 2 – Really Important Status Status: Resolved (Fixed)
Assigned To Assigned to: CLOSED Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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