Manuscript (Case [Issue]22873) Pharo VM - Update libfreetype in fileserver for windows 64bits

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Manuscript (Case [Issue]22873) Pharo VM - Update libfreetype in fileserver for windows 64bits

Pharo Issue Tracker
Manuscript Notification
Guillermo Polito opened Case 22873: Update libfreetype in fileserver for windows 64bits and assigned it to Everyone:
Bug in Project:  Pharo VM: 2. External  •  You are subscribed to this case
Cairo does not load on windows64 bits because it cannot find freetype. Apparently, in windows-64bits the freetype dll should be named freetype-6.dll instead of freetype.dll.

This requires

renaming the freetype library in

Updating the VM build makefiles to download the correct file

I've already have 2 done in my machine, which requires some testing. I'd suggest we do it a bit more conservative to allow testing without breaking existing builds:

Copying the freetype library in with the new name

Updating the VM build makefiles to download the correct file

Remove the old file once 2) is integrated in the VM
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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